Minerva Financial Arts is a company devoted to enhancing business and financial literacy among artists and arts organizations. These courses are designed to do just that via self-study or online learning.
Affordable online classes, for only $29. But for OAL members receive a 50% discount with the following code, Minerva50.
The material for each class offered will be available to review on-demand (for flexibility), and we've scheduled weekly chat times to preserve the community aspect of the courses.
January's first course: Goal Setting for Portfolio Careers
Starts January 14, 2015, class scheduled to 'meet' every Wednesday in January, Allowing one week to finish each lesson.
Goal Setting for Portfolio Careers is tailored for creative entrepreneurs looking to develop better tools to manage the business side of their art. By managing multiple sources of income through a portfolio career and developing goals that are both quantified and attainable, creative entrepreneurs will increase their confidence in business financial matters... and maybe even their financial health in the process.
Online classes will be monitored by Minerva's founder, Elaine Grogan Luttrull.
For more information about Minerva and to register, please visit their registration page