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  • Wednesday, February 11, 2015 3:49 PM | Deleted user

    The Central Park Apartments have beautiful, luxury apartments located at 105 Radio City Blvd., Columbus, OH 43235.

    Until May 1st, they will be showing works by OAL member, Lea Gray.  

    The lobby is open Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, and Sunday 12:15pm-5pm. 

    Lea Gray specializes in painting, innovating Origami designs, and accessory design.  She describes her art:

    "Painting gives me the ability to express a vitality and rhythm that I find in the elements in nature.  The repetitious patterns, growth structures and color formations enthrall me in a way that carries my artwork beyond representation.  Focusing in landscape painting at the Columbus College of Art and Design I found a deeper attraction and fascination to nature's visual rhythm.  Whether it is the branch development of a tree, the blossoming of a flower or even the formation of a color field in a crystal, every nuance of nature excites me.  I use this passion to create works that I hope to not only fulfill the viewer but captivate them as well."

    Her exhibition will last through May 1st, and anyone interested in buying one of her pieces should contact OAL at 614-299-8225 or as we are representing her in this matter.

    See the exhibition at our Flickr.

    So check out Lea's exhibition and visit Lea Gray's Website -- where you can see the full spectrum of her amazing work!

  • Monday, February 09, 2015 3:08 PM | Deleted user

    Join the Rosewood Arts Centre and the City of Kettering Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department for Art on the Commons!

    This 27-year-old Dayton-area art festival returns at Kettering's Lincoln Park Civic Commons on Sunday, August 9, 2015 from 11 AM to 5 PM. Artwork will be on display and for sale in various juried mediums such as jewelry, ceramics, paintings, photography, metals, watercolor, sculpture, glass, fibers and wood. 

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 31, 2015

    With live music and entertainment, a variety of food and drink vendors, and the fine art atmosphere, it's no wonder why Art on the Commons has been recognized as an "outstanding festival" by national and local artist news publications. Check out last year's press release.

    Art on the Commons boasts over one hundred artists from around the country, so represent OHIO and get your works circulating to a vast audience of consumers! For more information on the Rosewood Arts Centre or to find out more about the festival, visit the Kettering Parks site here!
  • Monday, February 09, 2015 2:37 PM | Deleted user

    McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital in Oxford, Ohio is proud to announce its Fifth Annual Juried Exhibition for the Healing Art Project. This call for entry allows for an opportunity for artists to exhibit and sell two-dimensional work for up to one year!

    The 2015 Healing Art Project is a regional show open to artists within a 100 mile radius of Oxford, OH, or to those artists who have a personal connection with the hospital. Artists are encouraged to explore the concept of art as a therapeutic element or healing instrument. Work will be judged on originality, theme, design, concept, technique, and appropriateness to the space and facility. 

    DEADLINE for SUBMISSION: March 9, 2015 (postmarked)

    Download the Prospectus here

    Up to seven pieces selected for a purchase award will become property of the McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital, and artists may submit up to three works each.

    2015 Healing Art Project Press Release

    Selected artists will be notified mid-March, and artwork will be on public display April 24-- the same date of the Opening Reception. 

    Click here to find out more about McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital in Oxford.

  • Thursday, February 05, 2015 3:30 PM | Deleted user

    The initiatives of the privately held US company Dave Bown Projects focus on advancing the field of visual arts by conducting research, buying works of art for the Collection of Dave Bown Projects, and providing unrestricted monetary awards to visual artists. 

    Currently, the Dave Bown Projects network reaches over one hundred thousand people who are committed to the visual arts. Announcements will be sent via email to an aggregation of tens of thousands of subscribers (collectors, curators, galleries, museums, writers, etc.

    This 10th Semiannual competition is open to all visual artists (18+) -- that means YOU! -- operating in all styles and mediums. 

    Deadline for entry is June 6, 2015


    Check out the jurors:

    Claire C. Carter, Curator of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art

    Carmen Hermo, Assistant Curator for Collections, Guggenheim Museum, New York

    Anna Stothart, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, San Antonio Museum of Art

  • Thursday, February 05, 2015 2:00 PM | Deleted user

    The City of Philadelphia’s Percent for Art Program through the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy,  in collaboration with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation, and Inter Park, LLC announce a competition to commission site-specific artwork(s) in JFK Plaza/LOVE Park!

     This once-in-a-lifetime commission is part of the $14 million renovation and reconstruction of JFK Plaza/LOVE Park, and the competition is open to artists and teams who reside in the United States. Artwork will be selected on the basis of creativity, artistic merit, technical proficiency, and relationship to the site. Long-term maintenance, durability, and public safety concerns will be major selection criteria.  

    . Artists are required to comply with applicable rules, contracts, and procedures of all governmental boards and agencies of the City of Philadelphia. Submitted proposals will be reviewed on their relationship to both the overall design of the park as well as Robert Indiana’s iconic LOVE sculpture. Philly is asking that artists attempt to complement or add to the park rather than compete with the current surroundings. 

    For the full description, guidelines, and how to submit, click here!

    DEADLINE: February 14

    . Artists are required to comply with applicable rules, contracts, and procedures of all governmental boards and agencies of the City of Philadelphia. Submitted proposals will be reviewed on their relationship to both the overall design of the park as well as Robert Indiana’s iconic LOVE sculpture. 
    We are seeking work(s) that complement or add to the park rather than competing with the surrounding environment.
  • Thursday, February 05, 2015 1:30 PM | Deleted user

    For the Columbus Moving Image Art Review, artists are asked to send in new or old animations, videos, films, or propositions of an a/v performance. If it uses light and moves, it's fair game! Videos, film, animations, documentaries, narratives, experimental, student and professional works are all eligible for submission, and with no time or subject constraints, artists are encouraged to use every bit of their imaginations. 

    Interested? Shoot an e-mail here so that arrangements can be made to get the ball rolling. 

    Deadline for submission is Fri., Feb. 27! <- Click here to download the entry form and send DVD.

    The CMIAR 22 will take place on Friday, March 13th at 8 PM at The Ohio State University's Hagerty Hall, Room 180.
  • Thursday, February 05, 2015 12:30 PM | Deleted user

    ROY G BIV Gallery proudly presents ImageOHIO 15, the 15th annual exhibition celebrating Ohio's best photography, video art, and various digital media works. The exhibition is currently on display at the Fort Hayes Shot Tower Gallery (gallery hours: Mon- Fri 9 am- 5 pm) through February 20, 2015. 

    Join these great selected artists, some of which are OAL members, for the Artists' Panel Discussion the closing night of ImageOHIO 15 - Fri., February 20 - from 1 PM to 2 PM.

    Get more information on ImageOHIO 15 and see what other great things ROY G BIV offers!

  • Thursday, February 05, 2015 11:00 AM | Deleted user

    Second Sight Studio wants to bring together the community of Franklinton and Columbus this Valentine's Day through heart art!

    Interested participants are invited to create heart-shaped or heart-themed hearts on cardboard, cloth, plastic, and any other element-withstanding materials, and bring it to the lot at Bellows End (across from Second Sight Studios in Franklinton) to be hung and displayed along the chain-link fences of the schoolyard. Viewers can stroll the fences of hearts and enjoy the art, and refreshments will be served in the gallery. 

    The Hearts United for One Billion Rising is an open-participation temporary public "exhibition" and will be on display Feb. 14 through 15. Hanging will take place Feb. 14th from 11 am to 2 pm. Take-down begins at 3 PM on Sunday, Feb. 15.

    Participants are asked to register by contacting Mona Gazala at Second Sight Studio, so that your works may be acknowledged! 

    For more information, click here!

    Any interested participants are invited to create heart-shaped or heart-themed hearts on cardboard, cloth, plastic, etc, and bring it to the lot at Bellows End to be hung and displayed along the chain-link fences of the schoolyard. Viewers can stroll the fences of hearts and enjoy the art.
  • Wednesday, February 04, 2015 4:00 PM | Deleted user
    Creative Capital is proud to introduce a brand new series centering on the visual arts world, as well as to expand their "Conversations Inside" to include performing arts focused interviews. On January 12, CC featured Part One of a four-part webinar series with Sharon Louden, artist and editor of Living and Sustaining a Creative Life: Essays by 40 Working Artists. 

    How to Approach, Engage & Communicate with Galleries, Museums & the People You Want to Know, with Sharon Louden

    Catch the remaining sessions (all 7:00-8:30 pm):
    Monday February 9, Pace & Timing
    Monday February 23, Maintaining the Relationship

    Led by artist Sharon Louden, this four-part webinar series is geared to visual artists yearning for guidance on how best to approach and communicate with the gatekeepers of the art world: galleries, curators, collectors, museum professionals, and more. The webinar will address the following questions: How does an artist approach a gallery cold? How does an artist communicate with a gallerist, curator, museum professional, etc.? What are the best ways to correspond and to start up a relationship and maintain it? When is the best time to approach the person? How often should an artist be in contact? How does one follow up on an inquiry? What is the proper way to pace a professional conversation? 

    Webinars are $25 each. All webinars are interactive and allow time for participants to ask questions. To participate, all you need is access to a computer with speakers and an Internet connection (hard-wired preferred). There is no special software needed.

    SIGN UP and get more info here!

    Interested but can't attend? All registered participants will receive access to a recording of that webinar.

  • Wednesday, February 04, 2015 2:45 PM | Deleted user

    Columbus's own ROY G BIV Gallery is accepting submissions for New School, a juried exhibition for undergraduate students. This exhibition aims to showcase the best, cutting-edge student work and to connect student artists from different schools. Jurors Mark Zuzik (Pizzuti Collection), Ken Aschliman (ROY G BIV) and Erin McKenna (Canzani Gallery) will select the exhibiting artists.

    Deadline for submission is Friday, February 20, 2015.

    Embrace the opportunity to show works side-by-side along peer emerging artists from all over the community. 

    New School will be exhibited at MINT Gallery from April 17- May 15, 2015, with and Opening Reception April 17 from 7 - 10 PM.

    Applicants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program. Entries are open to student artists anywhere who work in all types of materials, practices and styles. All work must have been created within the last two years





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Supporting Members

Sandra Aska

Katharine Harding

Steven Huff

Jordanne Renner

P.O. Box 12324, Columbus, OH 43212,614-556-5431


© Ohio Art League

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